The Rough guide to Cajun & Zydeco

Auteur(s) Trahan, Horace ;Feufollet ;Lil' Nathan ;Bonsoir Catin ;High Performance ;Bergeron, Jamie ;Watson, Cédric ;Bijou créole ;Broussard, Jeffery ;Delafose, Geno ;Huval, Kyle ;Dixie Club Ramblers (The) ;Carrier, Chubby ;Naquin, Kevin ;Riley, Steve ;Pine Leaf Boys ;French Rockin'Boogie ;Lost Bayou Ramblers ;Bayou Swamp Band (The) ;Ossun Playboys (The) ;Mamou Playboys (The)
Titre(s) The Rough guide to Cajun & Zydeco / Horace Trahan ; Pine Leaf Boys ; Feufollet ; Lil' Nathan.
Editeur(s) World Music Network, 2011.
Collection(s) (Rough guide).
Contient Same knife cut the sheep cut the goat / Trahan, Horace. - Alllons rock and roll / Pine Leaf Boys. - Femme l'a dit / Feufollet. - Come back to me0 / Lil' Nathan & Zydeco Big Timers (The). - J'aimerais sentir comme ça chez moi / Bonsoir Catin. - Musician's paradise / High Performance. - 10 to a 2 / Bergeron, Jamie & Kickin'Cajuns (The). - Afro zydeco / Watson, Cédric & Bijou créole. - Return of the creole / Broussard, Jeffery & Creole Cowboys (The). - Someone told me it was over / Delafose, Geno & French Rockin'Boogie. - Vermilionaire / Lost Bayou Ramblers. - Fiddlesticks ; J'ai l'été au bal / Huval, Kyle & Dixie Club Ramblers (The). - Zydeco junkie / Carrier, Chubby & Bayou Swamp Band (The). - T'es jamais satisfait / Naquin, Kevin & Ossun Playboys (The). - Bon rêve / Riley, Steve & Mamou Playboys (The). - Bayou road. - Can't wait to get back to Louisiana. - I don't know what you come to do. - Father of fun. - Bad bad girl. - We make a good gumbo. - Get in the pocket. - Soul eyes. - Sauce piquante'zydeco. - Don't tell me lies. - Squeeze box. - Cisco kid. - Who whole the hot sauce.
Sujet(s) Musique cajun
Indice(s) 062.3
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